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Accessmonkey is a framework for improving the accessibility of web pages after they have been published. Inspired by the popular Greasemonkey Firefox Extension, Accessmonkey is designed to give web users the power to independently improve the accessibility of the web and to make those improvements available to other web users and web developers. The developers of the original content are always in the best position to design accessible content, but Accessmonkey gives users the option of improving it themselves.

Suggest a Site

We're now actively collecting examples of pages that would benefit from accessibility improvement. If you have a suggestion, submit it using our Page Suggestion Site and, if possible, we'll write a script to improve the site and release it on this page.

Accessmonkey Paper

The original description of the Accessmonkey approach was presented in a paper that we presented at the W4A Conference in Banff, Canda in May, 2007. This paper is available below:


A Collaborative Scripting Framework for Web Users and Developers

This work is supported by National Science Foundation Grant (IIS-0415273)
Comments to Jeffrey P. Bigham