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RSS Reference



string city
Which city to find the weather in. Eg. "Baltimore".
string state
Which state to find the weather in. Eg. "Maryland".
string noFindMessage
What to return if no entry is found. Eg. "I can't find weather for that place."
string entryNumber
Which entry to use. "0" is a detailed entry for today. "1" is a genral entry for today. "2" & "3" are future forcasts.


User.RSSWeatherToday(string city, string state)
Gets the weather at the given city and state for today
User.RSSWeatherTitle(string city, string state, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the title of the weather at the given city and state for the entry number and returns the noFindMessage string if no entry is found.
User.RSSWeatherLink(string city, string state, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the link of the weather at the given city and state for the entry number and returns the noFindMessage string if no entry is found.
User.RSSWeatherDescription(string city, string state, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the description of the weather at the given city and state for the entry number and returns the noFindMessage string if no entry is found.

Google News


string searchTerm
Keywords to use in news search. Eg. "Current Elections".
string noFindMessage
What to return if no entry is found. Eg. "I can't find news for that topic."
string entryNumber
Which result to use. "0" is the 1st result. "1","2" and so on are the second, third and so on results respectively.


User.RSSGoogleNewsTitle( string searchTerm )
Gets the title of the first news item.
User.RSSGoogleNewsTitle(string searchTerm, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the title of the news item at the entryNumber spot returning the no FindMessage string if no news is found.
User.RSSGoogleNewsLink( string searchTerm )
Gets the link to the full article of the first news item.
User.RSSGoogleNewsLink(string searchTerm, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the title of the news item at the entryNumber spot returning the no FindMessage string if no news is found.
User.RSSGoogleNewsDescription( string searchTerm )
Gets a brief description of the first news article.
User.RSSGoogleNewsDescription(string searchTerm, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the title of the news item at the entryNumber spot returning the no FindMessage string if no news is found.

Custom RSS


string url
Which RSS to find information from. Eg. "".
string noFindMessage
What to return if no entry is found. Eg. "I can't an entry that place."
string entryNumber
Which entry to use. "0" is the first entry. "1","2" and so on are the second, third and so on entries respectively.


User.RSSgetTitle(string url)
Gets the title of the first entry.
User.RSSgetTitle(string url, string entryNumber)
Gets the title of the entry at entryNumber.
User.RSSgetTitle(string url, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the title of the entry at entryNumber and returns string noFindMessage if no entry is found.
User.RSSgetLink(string url)
Gets the link of the first entry.
User.RSSgetLink(string url, string entryNumber)
Gets the link of the entry at entryNumber.
User.RSSgetLink(string url, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the link of the entry at entryNumber and returns string noFindMessage if no entry is found.
User.RSSgetDescription(string url)
Gets the description of the first entry.
User.RSSgetDescription(string url, string entryNumber)
Gets the description of the entry at entryNumber.
User.RSSgetDescription(string url, string noFindMessage, string entryNumber)
Gets the description of the entry at entryNumber and returns string noFindMessage if no entry is found.



Gets a random number (integer) between 1 and 10.
User.RegexMatch(string re_string, string text)
Checks to see if the two strings are the same.
User.RandomChoice(params string[] list)
Gets a random entry from the list provided. Example: User.RandomChoice("heads","tails") will randomly choose heads or tails.
Gets the current time.
This work is supported by the following National Science Foundation Grants: CNS-087508, CNS-0549481, IIS-0811884, IIS-0415273
Send comments to Richard Ladner